Think Bigger Faster as a Beginner Entrepreneur

Think bigger faster as a entrepreneur - Frivilo

What you think about and work towards over a long enough period of time will usually come to pass. That’s an exciting law of the universe that I believe to be true. But what we believe we can do also plays a big role in what we actually get done as entrepreneurs.

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Think bigger faster as a entrepreneur - Frivilo

When starting off as a beginner entrepreneur we tend to set our goals and business ideas too small.

We set these reachable goals and if we work hard enough we hit them, but after we get there we quickly realize it’s not what we expected it to be.

So we end up unsatisfied and disappointed. Then a-lot of us quit or slack off because to us it just wasn’t worth it. But here’s a little secret that most don’t know.

Think Bigger Faster

Big goals like making millions or more per year actually takes the same amount of energy as making 50,000 per year. So it’s not how much energy you put in that makes the difference.

Think bigger faster as a entrepreneur  - Frivilo

The only difference is that slight shift in your approach and your level of belief in what you’re doing. So that means that what we really need to do as entrepreneurs is think much bigger much sooner.

One way we can do that is by being a-lot more conscious and aware of where we use our time, which is the most valuable resource on the planet. That’s why business all around the world pay for it. Not only that, we can also find better ways to build our business structure to be more efficient, long term.

Thinking much bigger much sooner can also help us pick the right industries and put the right people and tools in place. That approach will give us a clear road-map on what needs to be done to accomplish our goals.

So remember, just making that small shift in mindset can change your rewards as an entrepreneur forever. But only if you’re willing to do the work.

Wishing you all the best. Your friend, The Frivilo Entrepreneur

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