How To Get What You Want as a Beginner Entrepreneur

How To Get What You Want as an Entrepreneur - Frivilo

Do you get what you want or do you get what you deserve? In this Quick post I’m going to share a progressive method to get what you want as an entrepreneur. Ready?

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You must learn to do what you don’t want to do in order to get what you want as an entrepreneur. The best definition of success I’ve ever heard was “success is doing the thing you said you were going to do long after the mood that you said it in has left you“.

How to get what you want as an entrepreneur - Frivilo

I don’t remember who said it but it stayed with me. So now whenever I get the feeling like I don’t want to do what needs to be done, I fight back and do it for double the amount of time.

I call this the action response habit. Whenever I feel procrastination coming on I act and I don’t mean acting later or next week, I act right away.

It’s the only way to create long-term discipline if not your old habits will win and things will remain the same. But if you remain disciplined and keep up this action response habit a for long period of time, you will eventually get momentum and it will become your normal.

I’ve used this simple but effective approach countless times over the last 15 years to get what i want as an entrepreneur.

It’s allowed me to build and do things that i never thought was possible and still allows me to win at a high level. I’ve been called smart, a leader and even determined, but the truth is, i’m no different than anyone else. I just took more action that’s it, and you too.

Wishing you all the best on your journey. Your friend, The Frivilo Entrepreneur

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