How Your Personal Relationships Can Make Or Break You as an Entrepreneur

How Your Personal Relationships Can Make Or Break You as an Entrepreneur - Frivilo

In life you are the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with. Or maybe you heard the saying, you are what you eat, either way it’s true. Who you have in your life or what you consume, whether it’s what you feed your stomach or what you feed your mind, will make the difference in what you become, or what you’re becoming.

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If you’re on a mission to accomplish certain things in life and you just don’t know where to start you should start by making conscious decisions on who you’re spending time with and what you’re eating. So ask yourself, who are you with as a lover, who are your friends and what are you putting in your body.

I remember making a decision in my mind that I wanted to be rich so i could help other people in my family that we’re struggling. I was just a young boy when that desire was formed. I love my family and everything they have done for me growing up but I knew that they couldn’t teach me how to make a-lot of money.

Why your personal relationships can make or break you

How Your Personal Relationships Can Make Or Break You as an Entrepreneur - Frivilo

So I had to make the hard but simple decision that I didn’t want to be like them, when it came to business. So whatever they were doing I didn’t want to do. As bad as it sounds, I understood that in order for me to get a different result I needed to do things differently.

As I started to gain a clear understanding of my path as a young man lost a lot of my friends and at one point found myself feeling pretty lonely. It was a very challenging time but I knew in my heart, that’s what had to be done.

I replaced that time and energy with reading books and watching videos. Specifically on how to become successful financially. I thought to myself, what is it that makes one person so rich and another person so poor in the same location?

As I continued on my journey I discovered that the only difference was their mindset. It wasn’t the fact that they were born with special gifts or anything like that. It was the way in which they did things and the fact that they took the time to learn the skills.

So I had to unlearn a lot of things and learn new ways to approach things. That included what I spent my time on and who spent my time with. Oo yeah, and what i spent my money on.

So remember this, your personal relationships can make or break you but if you’re intentional and you slowly work on changing your habits. It can literally change your life. Hope you got value out of this post and as always. Wishing you all the best. Your Friend, The Frivilo Entrepreneur

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