How To Use Delayed Gratification as an Entrepreneur

How To Use Delayed Gratification as an Entrepreneur - Frivilo

All great things take time that fact will never change. In this post we’ll talk about how we can use that fact to our advantage to win big as an entrepreneur.

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Because of the growth of technology in the last 10 years times have changed. We now live in a microwave society full of instant thinking. Cell phones have changed everything forever. If you want food, order on a food app. If you need transportation, order on a ride-share app. Need someone to do your food shopping? You can order that too.

You can even order someone to walk your dog from an app on your cell phone. And the list goes on and on. Everything’s instant and at the click of a button. Actually let me rephrase that, now it’s at the touch of a screen.

How To Use Delayed Gratification as an Entrepreneur - Frivilo

The craziest part about it is, the rich and wealthy think in the complete opposite. Entrepreneurs that making it big understand that to get larger results you have to put in a lot more work and you’ll get the payoff not quickly, but way later.

Why delayed gratification is the secret to success

They practice something called delayed gratification. Because we know that the bigger the wait and the harder it is to pull off the larger the payoff. And another thing is, the harder it is to pull off the less competition there is because most are not willing to do it.

Some of the wealthiest business people in the world think of their business in 10 to 20 or even hundred year timelines. When you think that deep about things you move very differently. They understand that it’s about the long game not instant results.

They know that the deeper and the further you can structure and build your business, your relationships,the next-generation of children, or even your happiness and fulfillment. The greater the results will be.

So as you go on to building your business as an entrepreneur, remember the power of delayed gratification. Take the time to stack your skills and the hard work you put in now, will pay you back tenfold later. Wishing you all the best on your journey. Your friend, The Frivilo Entrepreneur

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